BEACH é um trabalho do fotógrafo chinês Peng Yangjun
BEACH – peng yangjun
- Paulo Cholla
- 2 de June de 2014

Paulo Cholla
Product Designer. apaixonado por música, cachorros e por compartilhar informação e inspiração no Boteco
Product Designer. apaixonado por música, cachorros e por compartilhar informação e inspiração no Boteco
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Hi Sonia, at last, I’m going to bake this very soon, before this CNY. If you still rmeember how to make this, I want to check with you when do I stop beating the egg+sugar mixture, ok coz I’ve just finished reading many version of recipes but at last, I recall that you’ve made this before & Jane is on holidays, so you are the best person to ask & it’s safe, haha.In short, do i beat the mixture till ribbon stage/soft peak?Many thanks
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